I just found this comp tape that Social Decay appears on over at:
No Longer Forgotten Music (click the link to download)
I never even knew it existed. If anyone has an original copy that they would be willing to sell please let me know!!!
a place for the forgotten...
I own the tape that was put up on No longer forgotten music. If you still want it, you can let me know. As far as the 'originality' of the tape is concerned: the cover is xeroxed and the tape is copied from another tape. I bought it in the eighties from someone who ran a punktapes mailorder. He had the mastertapes from the tapes he sold - gathered from all around the world, so they were second generation tapes at best.
I usually do not sell from my collection. But as I can imagine you really want this tape, you may have it.
Cheers, Paul
Thanks, that would be geat!!! How can you make the deal happen?
If you send me your adress, I will send it to you for free. You can mail me at cpm.mols@planet.nl
oh man, that would rule! coming right up!!!
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