A million years ago i used to trade a lot of tapes and write to a lot of 'zines and other bands. One of the bands i became friends with was 10-96 from Kenosha WI. In particular the bass player or was it drummer? Moon. I guess we sorta became "pen pals". I would trade him tapes of my band and he would send me shit back. I think he did a 'zine back then too (Kenosha Core?) if i can remember correctly and included my shit band Social Decay in it once. One thing i remember is that he collected beer cans. Anyway over the years i've lost touch with these guys but it looks like they played well into the 90's and put some records out too. i'll have to try and track them down. Looks like singer Dean Dirt is no longer with us..... R.I.P. My memory is pretty shot but i'm guessing this is from around 1986, give or take a few years in either direction.... It's a live practice tape and sounds like these dudes were rippibng it up and having a good time. I'm pretty sure i have some more stuff from them back in the day or should say "had". I've lost a lot of crap over the years but for now dig into some gnarly mid-western drunk punk...
10-96 - Mental Subject