New Jersey punk rock from around 1985 or 86, i can't remember exactly, or exactly where these guys were from. I'm thinking Toms River or Brick Town but i can't be sure. I also can't remember who they were but I think one of the guys was Yosi Levin who is now a pretty successful children's musician and who i can remember going to a least a few shows with back in the day. If anyone has any more info on The Exposed please feel free to leave it in the comments!
The Exposed - Mrs. B Is Screaming At The Dog Again
The Exposed were a Toms River band around from 1986-87. Played mostly around the Jersey area (City Gardens, Brighton Bar, Court Tavern, Blackout Cafe, hardcore matinees at the High Tide Cafe in Asbury Park, etc). Members were: Yosi Levin (vocals), Pete Groff (guitar), Scott Pinnella (bass) and Mike Mason (drums). In 1987 they morphed in the New Gods (an eclectic indie band with a late Husker Du/Pixies vibe and the odd Big Star or Tom Waits influence). Jeff Schioppa joined on guitar in 1989. They broke up in 1990 but played the occasional acoustic gig at The Saint in the early '90s as The Love Dictators.
So, Scott (bass) said to Pete (guitar) "let's backup Yosi (vocals) in a joke hardcore band." This was at OCC student lounge in the Fall of 1985. Mike (drums) joined in and we started rehearsing in Pete's boiler room in Money Island (Toms River). By Summer of '86 we recorded 'Mrs. B is Screaming At The Dog Again' on a friend's 4-track for the price of a case of beer in the boiler room. Vocals were recorded in my bedroom. Scott drew the cover with a plain bic pen. We xeroxed and cut paper covers and bought 15 minute stock tapes to record copies from the "master" on a crappy Sears tape to tape recorder on double speed. If there was anything more lo-fi we could've imagined we would've furthered the audio insult. We got to play a couple of local shows including Brighton Bar and also City Gardens where we opened for Johnny Thunders along with the X-Men.
There is a Facebook page, The Exposed/New Gods, if you want to further geek out.
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