For the 4th of July i give you some American Skin music.
Before they were known as just The Uprise, they were Suburban Uprise. I lost the track list to this tape years ago but i know they start out with Skin Head March... I'm pretty sure this is live at City Gardens in Trenbton NJ but i can't be 100% sure. But that was The Uprise's stomping ground. There is a bunch of shit written about these guys being all WP but i don't know nothing about that. When we hung out with them we ALL hung out, blacks, whites, browns. So maybe that shit happened but it happened when we weren't around.
If anyone can help with the track list that would rule. I know what a few are because they call them out during the set. But Most i have no idea. Here is what i think is here. Help me fill in the blanks....
Skinhead March
Giving head to a bottle?
Too many Assholes?
(Land of the Free) USA
Acceptance is you Pt. 1 & 2
here is the correct? track list:
01. skinhead march
02. giving head to a bottle
03. too many assholes
04. dick's deli
05. vietnam song
06. land of the free
07. you tell me
08. no more favors
09. acceptance is you (part 1)
10. acceptance is you (part 2)
11. walk tall
12. bullshit
13. malpractice
14. weren't even there
15. land of the free (encore)
Suburban Uprise - Live @ City Gardens
Here is an old interview with them from Thretening Society Fanzine you can check out. They give a shout out to Social Decay and Lethal Aggression. Nice.
Thabks for the live show.
No year? date is unknown?
i think I had that track
Giving head to a bottle,
om a comp tape with zine that came out from a straightedge kid in Toronto.
Highly doubt the band were white power, especially if they hung out with everybody.
the year of this tape if from either 86 or 87.... not later than 88 for sure and no earlier than 86 for sure...
Thanks for this. uploaded it at my site and linked to where i got it from.
01. skinhead march
02. giving head to a bottle
03. too many assholes
04. dick's deli
05. vietnam song
06. land of the free
07. you tell me
08. no more favors
09. acceptance is you (part 1)
10. acceptance is you (part 2)
11. walk tall
12. bullshit
13. malpractice
14. weren't even there
15. land of the free (encore)
is there any chance to reup the stuff to mediafire or mega?
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