Oh what a glorious pile of shit mess is this...
If this demo doesn't sum up our scene back then i don't know what does...
T.F.N. stands for TOTAL FUCKING NOISE! and man is this ever!
This is a horrible mess of vodka, cheap beer, and angel dust. Kids just getting fucked up for the sake of getting fucked up, be it boredom or to escape (There were plenty of well off kids who just wanted to get high but more than most were trying to escape)and then forming a band and ranting and raving about whatever... I love this pile of shit, i really do. It's a total crossover thrash hardcore nightmare played by 3 south jersy knuckleheads who could barely get it together and all of whom went on to play with Social Decay at one time or another.
Bass player Dave Gutierrez played with us 1st from around 85 to 87. And now plays with the newly brought back to life Social Decay. (we just played our 1st show in years)
Then Eddie "Boppo" Ramos (R.I.P.) played drums for Social from around 87 to 90 or so when we finally called it quits. I miss that son of a bitch...
and Mike "Lunkhead" Roberts played with us off and on from around 87 or 88 to 90 as well.
Anyway, just like the Lethal Aggression demo this throws me right back to that tiny little dingy basement where we would jam and get fucked up day after day after day and create quite a god awful racket. Man, we sure didn't change the world (we weren't really trying to anyway) but fuck it if we didn't have fun...
Here is 2/3 of TFN... Unknown cat on the left, Dave, & Mike AKA Lunkhead and Rob D of then Lethal Aggresion on the right: This is what the 80's looked like in NJ...

T.F.N. - Political Death 1986 Demo
hahahhahahahaahha "wishfully dead" has the 1-2-3-4 song on the end. fucking hysterical. i think we ran out of money/time & never took those out of the mix. god we were stupid.
HOT FUCKN SHIT, this demo is fucking ACE man, I will be lurking regularly now, hoping for more noisy NJ shits. Thanks!!
It's a total crossover thrash hardcore nightmare played by 3 south jersy knuckleheads who could barely get it together and all of whom went on to play with Social Decay at one time or another.
Term papers
A friend of Dave had this demo @ the Manchester show SD played 7/2011. We were listening to it in the parking lot. Like you said this brings back memories. I got to see TxFxN @ the Howell V.F.W with Mental Abuse. This was my gate way to hardcore.
And I think of my brother Eddie every day.
Hello, divshare dot com doesn't exist any more, could you upload it to another fileshare? I know, the post is from 2009 and I'm writing this seven years after, but if you read it... thanks in advance!
Hello, divshare is down and I came here seven years later, could you upload it in another fileshare? Thanks in advance!
Where is John... Lower East Side dope scene... And Hell Park, Dusted with Hutch, John and Jim G...
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