OK, not a demo today but a home made tape mix. I've been pulling out some of my old tape mixes and giving them a spin. I posted this tape cover over at a message board i frequent and someone suggested posting it up, so why not?
I have hundreds of mix tapes i have made over the years. I resisted Cd's and iTunes for so long that all i did with my vinyl was put it to tape and listen to them on a boom box in the car or at work. So maybe i will post more of these if anyone gives a rats ass or maybe i just will for my own pleasure. It was a blast revisting this one.
So here in all of its original vinyl to tape to digital glory is an early 80's hard rock & metal mix i made a few years ago. Recorded as it happened, drunk on beer. All the snap, crackle and pop and a few skips of lovingly used vinyl included...
Early 80's Hard Rock & Metal!!! - Side A
Early 80's Hard Rock & Metal!!! - Side B
Rainbow "Since You've Been Gone" and Riot "Swords & Tequila", two of my favorite rock songs ever (especially the Rainbow one)...
I've been adding playlists to my iTunes collection from my old mixed tapes. I keep coming across songs on my mixed tapes that I used to love, but had forgotten about. It's been fun to find all these old gems from my past. Thanks for sharing yours!
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