Alright i have actually had a bunch of people contact me via email and send me stuff and this is a good one and a tape i had and lost along time ago so it was cool hearing this again. Spencer was a good friend of the Lethal and Social crews back in the day and we all used to hang with Ivo a bit back then too. Some more lost New Jersey Hardcore stuff from sometime in the mid late 80's my guess is 86 or so...
This was sent in by Sinn Fein singer Jonathan Sherman. Thanks man!
No need to join anything, just click link, choose free download, then click download link. Whole demo is 45mb. Also just click the pic of the demo cover and it will get huge if you can't read the songs titles and shit.
Edit: I downloaded the file into divshare for an easier download...
Sinn Fein - Demo
Can't wait to hear this. Thanks!
Send me that CD if you still want me to post it.
blogged & quartered
Could you please re-upload this ?, the link doesn't work anymore
Once again please reupload this, if you still have it
the link is still working.....
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